Elena Maier is Expert in communications and responsible for public relations, editorial work and social media of the projects of the Helene Weber-Kolleg and in the “Aktionsprogramm Kommune – Frauen in die Politik! (Action Program Municipality)” initiative.

She first studied European Education for Primary School (B.Ed.) and then Cultural Studies (MA) in Karlsruhe, Halmstad (Sweden) and Koblenz. Her focus was on feminist and critical approaches to social inequality and its impact on political participation. During her studies, Elena Maier worked in and on extracurricular political education in Germany.

Previously, Elena Maier completed an internship with the women’s and equality policy spokesperson of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives, where she worked mainly in public relations and social media management.

List of Papers in German language here

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