The EAF Berlin has already developed more than 100 mentoring programs and accompanied well over 1000 so-called “mentoring-tandems” or professional exchanges. We have experienced the enormous impact of this instrument on many occasions – on both the organizational and individual level both. On this basis, we have devised an approach we call "strategic mentoring", in which the personal and organizational development are closely linked.

This holistic approach makes strategic mentoring a sustainable personal development tool, especially in the context of change processes.

Support, development, sensitization

We support people in development tasks and offer guidance in structured programs designed to give participants more clarity and motivation for professional growth. To this end, we design and implement high-quality career development programs to promote, develop and raise awareness among specialists and managers. It’s important to us that people in all their diversity can contribute their skills and fulfill their potential in all areas of life.


Exchange and strategy

In change processes, people often feel overwhelmed and search for orientation and personal support. They lack the experience and the necessary distance to appropriately assume and accept new roles for themselves and their organization. To gain the ability to meet current and future challenges in terms of working towards organizational goals, people need time and space for exchange and strategy development. We offer target group-specific qualification and sensitization in close coordination with personal development and constant quality control. In addition, we accompany internal program groups with a variety of methods to support self-reflection. We get them moving, share our expertise, guide through networking formats as well as peer exchanges, and support them in getting the most of the program.


Programs for professionals and executives

Whether you are starting, advancing or re-entering a career – we devise programs for professionals and executives, young professionals, parental leave holders and senior managers to engage in critical transitional phases in their professional careers, to become managers or to grow with their new-found managerial responsibilities.


Overview of our formats

We offer programs with a duration of 6 to 18 months. Consulting, training, evaluation and communication elements can be booked.

We design career development programs as well as training and networking events specifically tailored to your organization and your goals. We advise you on selection procedures and internal communication.



We design, conduct and oversee programs or program components as external trainers and impart competencies anchored in the program’s set of objectives. We use a variety of methods that include both interactive and reflective elements.


Many programs are accompanied by an empirical evaluation. We develop program-specific questionnaires and also conduct surveys and assessments.


We create practice-oriented guides and descriptive good-practice brochures for our clients.



Portrait of Andrea Krönke.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with:

Andrea Krönke

+49 (30) 3087760-54
