Women are still woefully underrepresented in local politics. The reasons for the underrepresentation of women in local politics are manifold and can be traced back to societal conditions, but also to the ways in which much of party politics is organized at the local level. The action program aims to permanently increase the proportion of women in local councils (municipal, city and district councils) as well as the share of full-time and honorary female mayors and district administrators. For this reason, it not only focuses on women, it also aims to help initiate structural changes that can have a positive impact on the participation of women and the acceptance and attractiveness of local politics as a whole. One focus in this context is on rural regions.
target groups and activities
In the “Aktionsprogramm Kommune” (Action Program Municipality), which combines nationwide activities with the implementation of practical measures on the ground, 10 selected regions will be advised and supported in each of two rounds. The first round will run from the beginning of 2022 to summer 2023, the second from spring 2023 to fall 2024.
The following activities are planned over the total period of four years (2021 to 2024):
Networking, exchange of experience and mentoring via a digital mentoring platform for interested women, female candidates, office holders and elected representatives in local politics, as well as setting up regional mentoring “tandems”.
Motivation and empowerment of women at the regional level, including through workshops and courses
Specific networking and qualification offers for women mayors
Advising regions on improved conditions for women’s participation (for example, changing certain attitudes about working times or hybrid working, how to balance the requirements of local political office with family life, preventing sexual assaults and everyday sexism)
Supra-regional exchange of experience regarding good practices
Kick-off and networking meetings featuring colleagues from the participating regions
Establishing sustainable cooperation between stakeholders at a regional and national level