Stefanie Lohaus is Head of Communications at EAF Berlin, member of the management board and project manager of the “Together Against Sexism” initiative. With her background in devising innovative formats, acting as editorial supervisor of various publications as well as working in press and public relations, she has accompanied the development and implementation of communication strategies, studies and surveys at the EAF.
In the context of her project management of the alliance “Together Against Sexism”, Stefanie Lohaus has gained practical experience in alliance-building between companies, politics and civil society.
She learned to be a trainer for inclusive leadership under the guidance of Thais Compoint, CEO of Déclic International. She is also a certified Systemic Organizational Consultant and has used her expertise in advising organizations to help them overcome challenges and achieve their goals in the field of diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI).
Stefanie Lohaus has gained a wealth of experience in training and developing teams, she conducts workshops and is an in-demand speaker on themes such as how to foster a more equitable work/life balance, women in popular culture and the media, right-wing populism, feminism, and transitions to democracy. She’s a founder member of the “10nach8” newspaper column of Zeit Online and her articles have been published on, as well as on the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) and Sonntagszeitung (FAS) site. At the beginning of 2008 she co-founded, along with three others, Missy Magazine, which she headed for ten years as managing editor and which she is still a co-editor of today.
She has made use of her expertise as an author and curator in disseminating complex themes, for example curating the festival “Body Talk – a festival of bodies and markets, gender and visibility in the 21st century”, held at Munich’s “Kammerspiele” venue. She also helped draw up the constitution of the campaign #ausnahmslos gegen sexualisierte Gewalt und gegen Rassismus (“Unanimous against sexualized violence and racism”), and is a member of the advisory committee “Geschlechterdemokratie, Teilhabegerechtigkeit und Antidiskriminierung” (focusing on gender-oriented democracy, equal participation and anti-discrimination) at the Heinrich Boll Foundation.
Her book "Stärker als Wut - Wie wir feministisch wurden und warum es nicht reicht" was published by Suhrkamp Verlag on October 9, 2023.
You can discover more about Stefanie Lohaus at
- 2008: Winner of the “Hobnox Evolution Contest” for the concept of Missy Magazine
- 2009: “Journalist of the Year” in the “Newcomer” category
- 2009: Media Manager of the Year (ranked 97th overall by Werben und Verkaufen magazine)